Our Culture

Our culture derives from our core beliefs:

Caring– For all people

Challenging- To arrive at the closest possible truth in everything we do

Evolving- To avoid complacency and seek new ways to deliver value to our clients

Genuine– We commit to being present with you during all phases or your life, our authentic selves.

Honesty-There simply is no other way.  We’ll try to make the difficult smooth, but the question will be asked if it’s in your best interest. We expect the same from our clients.

Open Mindedness– We borrow our philosophy from Ray Dalio, Radical Open-Mindedness.  We consider all perspectivesin our recommendations to be sure you get a well thought out solution.

Mindful– A mindful practice serves as a buffer to outside influence.  This allows us to operate from a place of truth.

Sincere– We are out for your best interest and that is the foundation of our relationship.